Handcuffing Seminar

Open to: police, corrections, sheriffs, loss prevention, private security, JIBC and Police Judo students.

Learn how to ‘own’ suspects using the “Police Judo” handcuff method.

Date: March 28, 2020 postponed to May 23, 2020

Address: 5487 Lane St. Burnaby, BC
Time: 1200 hrs – 1700 hrs.
Price: $79.00


• Your instructors are all seasoned law enforcement officers.
• Training cuffs will be supplied
• Wear comfortable workout gear
• Snacks will be provided, but pack a lunch

The Law Enforcement Training Association (Police Judo) is the basis for this unique opportunity to learn the fine art of controlling and handcuffing an arrestee safely and effectively. You will acquire the skills to take down suspects without injuring them while ‘owning’ them every step of the way.

Get great instruction on controlling and handcuffing resistive and combative people in a fun, creative, and healthy atmosphere.
